Saturday, February 28, 2009

Harder Than It Seemed

This 'taking care of me' business is harder than I expected. It's hard for me to make time for myself, and harder still to get myself moving. I've spent the last couple of days working out my answers to questions Cici gave me (the career coach), and that's been tough, too. Three accomplishments I'm most proud of? Hmmm. . .I feel like I've accomplished a lot, and I think other people would say that I have, but I don't feel particularly proud of any of it. Ten things that are weighing me down? Where to start. . .Still, I'm almost through the four different questionnaires. Almost. . .

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Career Coach, It Is

I've been feeling really stuck lately. It's not just the health limbo that I've been in. It's also that I feel like I'm ready to move on professionally, but I am having a difficult time deciding what it is that I want to do next. I had toyed with the idea of hiring a career coach. I even had one in mind--a woman who worked in my field previously, and now helps a lot of people in my field find new work. But then I thought--that's just stupid. I'm going to spend money to talk to someone about what I'm going to do? I can do that myself.

And then four months went by, and I felt like I was still in the same place, and getting nowhere fast.

Earier this week, a friend of mine asked what I was going to do, and I told her I was feeling stuck. She encouraged me to hire a career coach.

That little encouragement was all I needed. I called the woman yesterday, and had my first appointment this morning. I think she is EXACTLY what I need.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Um, Do Champagne and Cake Count?

Because together with chicken salad, that was my dinner, and I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday: Lavender Bath

I took a long, relaxing bath this morning. Kitty perched on the edge of the tub, very unhelpfully dipping his tail in periodically, but purring all the while.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Month Two

Well, as you may have noticed, it didn't last. I got really down about the eternal frustration of having these lingering health issues, and not be able to TTC. I'm feeling optimistic again, though, and know that I need to take care of myself. So, I'm back at it.

I guess it hasn't been a complete failure so far. . .I'm still off caffeine, I am proud to say. I don't miss it as much as I thought I would, actually. I've been drinking a lot of different herbal teas, or warm apple juice with cinnamon. I've also gained about five pounds. Ideally, I'd like to gain five more, so I'm happy with that as a start. I've also been working really reasonable hours (something much closer to 40, although still with some occasional late nights. . .but still, not the 60-80+ that it had been).

One of the things I've been wanting to do for forever is become fully fluent in Spanish. Today, I downloaded a free first lesson in Spanish, to test out some software I'm thinking of buying. So far, I think I like it. It's fairly inexpensive, so I might buy the first module tomorrow.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day Ten: The Launch of The Body & Soul Challenge

I've been having a bit of trouble with this project already. It's hard for me to commit to taking care of myself, in between all of the other things I want/need to accomplish. So when I found Body & Soul magazine's challenge recently, I knew it was just what I needed. Today is Day 1 of the Challenge for me. Some of it I've already incorporated, so today will be fairly easy for me. Here is today's challenge:

1. Cut back on caffeine. I ditched coffee weeks ago, and made the switch to herbal tea or warm apple juice with cinnamon. Surprisinly enough, I've noted no ill effects from caffeine withdrawal.

2. Cut back on sugar. I'm a sugar freak, so this is going to be tough. Thankfully, I LOVE fruit, so the plan is to substitute when I get the craving.

3. Drink 6-8 glasses a day of room temperature water. I loathe cold water, so I was glad to see it notes room temperature water. This shouldn't be too hard.

4. Abstain from alcohol. I'm ready to be done with this, too, as we'll start TTC again next month, and I want my eggs to be in as good a shape as possible.

5. Stock up on groceries for the eating plan. The eating plan includes oatmeal, fruit, almonds, veggies, hummus, and whole grains. I have most of this in stock already (LOADS of veggies courtesy of the leftovers of the veggie platter from a couple of days ago!).

6. Spend 20 minutes writing an honest assessment of your diet. I am supposed to answer a list of questions about my diet, as well. Here goes.

The problem with my diet is that I often fail to eat. It's not like I plan not to eat, but I'll get busy or distracted with something, and realize that it's 4:00pm and I still haven't had lunch. I don't actually even get hungry very often. And by this, I mean that I literally don't feel the sensation of being hungry. The only time I really feel hungry is the morning after I've eaten a huge dinner, oddly enough. If I've gone a REALLY long time without eating, I'll get tired and grouchy, which is usually a reminder that I need to eat.

The questions:

1. What are the healthiest--and least health--aspects of your diet?

When I remember to eat, it's usually good stuff. I genuinely enjoy fish and fruits and veggies. Of course, I also am a candy freak, so I eat way too much sugar. And when a craving hits, because I'm thin, I don't feel the need to limit myself. So, say I'm craving Pringles. I lust for them, really, and their salty goodness. I prefer the light version, not because they are light, but because I think they taste better. But light Pringles really aren't light at all, on sodium and fat, etc. Particularly when you eat the ENTIRE can in one sitting, as I am prone to do. My solution to this problem is that I simply don't buy them at all, and distract my craving by replacing them with something that is slightly salty, but more healthy.

2. Do you have any particular weaknesses?

Um, see above. Pringles, cheese, chocolate--I don't have any self-control.

3. What, if anything, would you like to change about your food choices?

I'd like to regularly maintain an eating schedule of whole grains and veggies, and cut back on high fat and high sodium foods. They are tempting, but not very healthy. The problem for me is not caloric, as it is for most people. The problem for me is making sure I eat regularly.

That was only eight minutes, but I don't have anything more to say about my diet, really. I'm off to make myself some oatmeal.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day Nine: The Nap

Today, I spent the afternoon. . .napping. I can't even tell you the last time I took a good long nap. I slept for hours, and it felt GREAT.